Follow the links for ideas on earning Bear achievements during your Disney vacation.

SELF  (do FOUR of the following)

  Do requirement (a) and three other requirements. 

(a)  Know the rules for bike safety. If your town requires a bicycle license, be sure to get one.

(b)  Learn to ride a bike, if you haven’t by now. Show that you can follow a winding course for 60 feet doing sharp left and right turns, a U-turn, and an emergency stop.

(c)  Keep your bike in good shape. Identify the parts of a bike that should be checked often.

(d)  Change a tire on a bicycle.

(e)  Protect your bike from theft. Use a bicycle lock.

(f)  Ride a bike for 1 mile without rest. Be sure to obey all traffic rules.

(g)  Plan and take a family bike hike.  

  Do two requirements. 

(a)  Set up the equipment and play any two of these outdoor games with your family or friends. (Backyard golf, Badminton, Croquet, Sidewalk shuffleboard, Kickball, Softball, Tetherball, Horseshoes, Volleyball)

(b)  Play two organized games with your den.

(c)  Select a game that your den has never played. Explain the rules. Tell them how to play it, and then play it with them.  

  Do all three requirements.

(a)  Do physical fitness stretching exercises. Then do curl-ups, push-ups, the standing long jump, and the softball throw.

(b)  With a friend about your size, compete in at least six different two-person contests. (Many examples in book.)

(c)  Compete with your den or pack in the crab relay, gorilla relay, 30-yard dash, and kangaroo relay.

    NOTE TO PARENTS: If a licensed physician certifies that the Cub Scout’s physical condition for an indeterminable time doesn’t permit him to do three of the requirements in this achievement, the Cubmaster and pack committee may authorize substitution of any three Arrow Point electives.

  Do requirement (a) and three more requirements. 

(a)  With an adult in your family, choose a TV show. Watch it together.

(b)  Play a game of charades at your den meeting or with your family at home.

(c)  Visit a newspaper office, or a TV or radio station and talk to a news reporter.

(d)  Use a computer to get information. Write, spell-check, and print out a report on what you learned.

(e)  Write a letter to a company that makes something you use. Use e-mail or the U.S. Postal Service.

(f)  Talk with a parent or other family member about how getting and giving facts fits into his or her job.  

  Do requirement h and four other requirements.

(a)  Make a list of the things you want to do today. Check them off when you have done them.

(b)  Write two letters to relatives or friends.

Get ready for your trip by writing a letter to Mickey Mouse. 

(c)  Keep a daily record of your activities for 2 weeks.

(d)  Write an invitation to someone.

(e) Write a thank-you note.

Write a thank-you note to Mousekeeping and thank them for the fun towel creations and care of your resort room.

(f)  Write a story about something you have done with your family.

(g)  Write about the activities of your den.

(h)  Complete the Character Connection for Honesty.

  • Know. Tell what made it difficult to be clear and accurate as you wrote details and kept records, and tell what could tempt you to write something that was not exactly true. Define honesty.
  • Commit. Tell why it is important to be honest and trustworthy with yourself and with others. Imagine you had reported something inaccurately and tell how you could set the record straight. Give reasons that honest reporting will earn the trust of others.
  • Practice. While doing the requirement for this achievement, be honest when you are writing about real events.   

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