Cub Scout Camping
During your Walt Disney World vacation, your scout will have the opportunity to practice his camping skills as you plan for your vacation, while traveling to WDW, dining at the restaurants, and visiting the parks.
Throughout the Cub Scout ranks, there are many Camping goals built into the adventures including:
- Building on and improving outdoor skills
- Cooking a simple meal
- Identifying animals
- Improved camping skills (less dependent on parents/adult leaders)
- Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace Principles for Kids
- Outdoor essentials
- Planning campfire programs
- Preparing for weather emergencies
- Reading weather instruments, including a basic understanding of barometers
- Taking care of themselves in the wilderness
- Tying bowline knots
- Tying square and overhand knots
- Tying two half hitches
- Using GPS units while geocaching
A Scout is trustworthy, helpful, courteous, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, and clean while practicing camping skills.
Scouting with the mouse ideas – practice camping goals while:
Planning for your Disney World Resort & Park Visit
Traveling to Walt Disney World
Dining at Walt Disney World
Visiting Walt Disney World
- Identifying Animals at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge
- Geocaching at Walt Disney World
- Disney Campfires
- Cub Scout: Camping
Plan a family or scout pack/troop camping trip to Walt Disney World.
Related Cub Scout Adventure Electives:
- Wolf Core Adventure: Call of the Wild
- Bear Core Adventure: Bear Necessities
- AOL Core Adventure: Camper