Cub Scout: Home & Family
During your Walt Disney World vacation, your scout will have the opportunity to practice his home & family skills as you plan for your vacation, while traveling to WDW, dining at the restaurants, and visiting the parks.
Throughout the Cub Scout ranks, there are many Home & Family goals built into the adventures including:
- Appreciating diversity and each Scout’s unique family heritage
- Being observant
- Building skills
- Developing confidence, and encouraging bravery and patience
- Developing patience and perseverance as they train their pets
- Following directions
- Home repair knowledge and skills
- Learning some basics about project planning (selecting a project, evaluating what is needed, choosing the proper type of wood, etc.)
- Learning the benefits of having loyal pets and being loyal to them in return
- Motor skills
- Showing creativity and artistic skills with the final project
- Showing respect and kindness for animals
- Understanding basic tools and tool safety
- Using math skills while measuring
- Working with wood to create a project
A Scout is trustworthy, helpful, courteous, obedient, and kind while practicing home & family skills.
Planning for your Disney World Resort & Park Visit
Traveling to Walt Disney World
Dining at Disney World Restaurants
Visiting Disney World Parks
Tiger Core Adventure: Team Tiger
Tiger Elective Adventure: Family Stories
Bear Elective Adventure: Baloo the Builder
Bear Elective Adventure: Critter Care
Webelos / AOL Elective Adventure: Build It
Webelos / AOL Elective Adventure: Fix It